
Bounty Creator Documentation


Welcome to BountyHub! This documentation is designed to help you navigate the process of creating and managing bounties. Follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth experience..

Table of Contents
  • 1: Getting started
  • 2: Creating a Bounty
  • 3: Bounty workflow
  • 4: Contribute to a Bounty
  • 5: Bounty contribution workflow
  • 6: Managing Bounties
  • 7: Reviewing Claims
  • 8: Handling Disputes
  • 9: Retracting a Bounty
  • 10: FAQs
  • 11: Support

Getting Started

Account Creation
  • Visit the BountyHub homepage.
  • Click on the "Sign In" button.
  • Sign up using your GitHub account.

Creating a Bounty

  1. Navigate to Create Bounty
    • Go your dashboard and click on the "Create Bounty"
  2. Import Issue
    • Go to github and copy the url of the issue that you would like to put a bounty on it
    • Paste the issue URL and press "Import Issue"
  3. Bounty Amount
    • Specify the bounty amount.
    • Note: A 10% fee will be added to the total cost (e.g., for a $100 bounty, you will pay $110).
  4. Additional Information
    • Provide any additional information or requirements for the bounty.
  5. Publish Bounty
    • Click "Create Bounty" to make it available to solvers.

Creating Bounties workflow

Contributing to a Bounty

  1. Choosing a nounty
    • Go browse bounties from the homepage or your dashboard.
    • Choose the bounty that you want to pledge to and click on "Increase bounty Amount"
  2. Contribution Amount
    • Specify the contribution amount.
    • Note: A 10% fee will be added to the total cost (e.g., for a $100 contribution, you will pay $110).
  3. Select whether you would like to follow the bounty creator's decison or make you own regarding the claim
    • If you choose to follow the bounty creator's decision, the bounty will be automatically paid once it is accept by all the contributors.
    • If you choose to make your own decision, you will reveive a notification when the bounty is claimed, and you will have the option to accept or reject the claim.
  4. Publish Bounty
    • Click "Create Bounty" to make it available to solvers.

Contributing to bounties workflow

Managing Bounties

My Bounties Dashboard
  • Go to the "My Bounties" page to view and manage your bounties.
  • Monitor the status of your bounties, including any submissions.

Reviewing Claims

Claim Notification
  1. Email Notification
    • You will receive an email notification when a solver submits a claim.
  2. Review Claim
    • Navigate to the "My Bounties" page.
    • Click on the bounty with the submitted claim to review the pull request.
Accepting or Rejecting Claims
  1. Accept Claim
    • If the pull request resolves the issue, click "Accept Claim".
    • The solver will receive the bounty reward.
  2. Reject Claim
    • If the pull request does not resolve the issue, click "Reject Claim".
    • Provide a reason for rejection to help the solver understand your decision.

Handling Disputes

Dispute Notification
  1. Email Notification
    • If a solver disputes your rejection, you will receive an email notification.
  2. Review Dispute
    • Navigate to the "My Bounties" page.
    • Click on the disputed claim to review the details and pull request.
Resolution Process
  1. Manual Review
    • The BountyHub team will manually review the dispute and the pull request.
  2. Final Decision
    • You will be notified via email about the final decision.
    • If the dispute is resolved in the solver's favor, they will receive the bounty reward.

Retracting a Bounty

Retract Process
  1. Navigate to My Bounties
    • Go to the "My Bounties" page from the Dashbaord.
  2. Retract Bounty
    • Click on the bounty you want to retract.
    • Click "Retract Bounty" and confirm the action.
    • If the bounty has no open claim You will be refunded the bounty amount, excluding the 15% fee.


How do I know if a pull request solves my issue?
  • Review the pull request details on GitHub and test the changes in your project.
Can I edit a bounty after publishing it?
  • Yes, you can edit the bounty details from the "My Bounties" page.


If you have any questions or encounter issues, please contact our support team:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • 131 Continental Dr, Suite 305 Newark, DE 19713

By following this documentation, you should be well-equipped to create and manage bounties on BountyHub successfully. Thank you for using our platform to get your issues resolved!